
Yogabilities™ adapted Yoga classes are designed to bring the gifts of Yoga practice to individuals with disabilities who can benefit from a slower pace and simpler instruction.


Spectrum Yoga - Yogabilities 1

Classes are typically sixty minutes long, and employ the use of props such as Yoga flash cards, bean bags, and manipulatives as appropriate along with soothing music to introduce Yoga in a fun and accessible way. Classes are designed to encourage generalization of stretch and relaxation into daily life.


No Yoga experience is necessary. Each class ends with a guided relaxation and most classes include a take-home hand-out for home practice.

Yoga can offer opportunity for exercise to those who are not candidates for team sports. Yogic breathing and relaxation techniques are wonderful and portable tools for self-calming. The practice of Yoga is highly individual and non-competitive and thus every participant can be successful. Yoga can be modified for nearly every age, stage and condition and the practice can be a lifelong source of healthful habits and joy.


View My Current Schedule and Pricing.


For more information, contact me directly: or call (781) 349-8139